
SmokeLong Quarterly

SmokeLong Quarterly has been dedicated to publishing the best flash narratives since 2003.


Issue Eighty-Five

September 2024

From the Editor

Art is political, and it always has been. Nothing new here but plenty to see. In the United States—as I’m sure you’ve noticed even if you live in Botswana, Belgium, or Belize— we’re in the middle of a close race for the Presidency between an intelligent, empathetic person and a narcissistic sociopath who tried to… Continue reading New Front (continue reading)

Smokelong Quarterly Issue Eighty-Five

SmokeLong Fitness--The Community Workshop

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Included in the price of SmokeLong Fitness:

The Community Workshop in small groups
One live Zoom webinar each month with killer workshop leaders (recorded for participants unable to attend).
One open-mic party each month (or other live Zoom events)
Discounts on intensive workshops
Discounts on senior editor feedback
Surprises (good ones)

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September Webinar with Michael Czyzniejewski

What Flash Can Be: Restrategizing the Approach with Michael Czyzniejewski Flash fiction is fantastically flexible. The flash form allows its writers to do so many things, to do anything, but not all writers explore the possibilities. This webinar will encourage its participants to run their range, flex their flexibility, and eclect their eclecticism. — Michael… Continue reading September Webinar with Michael Czyzniejewski


Issue Sixty-Six

I have so much to tell you. As always. A quarter goes by, and so much happens. First, if Tara Laskowski published your work, gave you some great editing advice, championed you in any way while she was editor-in-chief of SmokeLong, give her a shout out. She gave nine years of her life to this… Continue reading Issue Sixty-Six

Featuring stories by: Avra MargaritiMia HeavenerDavid RyanSara C. ThomasonShawn MangerinoAlyssa ProujanskyCarolyn OliverKira HomsherJanssen CunananSantino PrinziPingmei LanAmanda MarbaisTom McMillanSacha BissonnetteAlexander CendrowskiWendy BooydeGraaffMichael AlessiTyler SonesChristen Noel KauffmanShawn Nocher

Jo Withers


Jo Withers

Jo Withers writes short fiction and poetry for children and adults from her home in South Australia. Her work has won prizes at The Caterpillar, SmokeLong, Bath Flash Fiction Award, Reflex Press, Molotov Cocktail and Fractured Lit and has featured in Best Microfiction 2020 and Wigleaf Top 50 2021. Her first novella-in-flash, Marilyn’s Ghost, based on the death scene of Marilyn Monroe will be published by AdHoc Fiction in 2024.

Read the interview…

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